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The Trainer Guild is a part of the Possibility Management gameworld.
There are global alliances of many of the Possibilitator Specialties: Possibility Coaches, Possibility Mediators, Possibility Psychologists, Whole Permaculturists, New Refugees, Bridge-House Spaceholders, Cultural Bridge Builders, etc.
Trainer Guild is the global alliance of Possibility Management Trainers.
Possibility Management Trainers begin by sharing the tools, thoughtmaps, distinctions, and processes of Possibility Management through Expand The Box trainings.
Since a Trainer's training never ends, Trainer Guild members are active participants in the Trainer Path.
This Trainer Guild website has been assembled to help inform and empower newly-forming local Trainer Circles during their journey of coming together and flaming on. We invite you to regard this website more like an information-rich Handbook than a mere website.
The central calendar website for Possibility Management events is: https://possibilitymanagement.org
At all times there are at least two spaceholders for the Possibility Management Trainer Guild.
At this time the spaceholders are:
Cornelius ButzMobil: +49 176 325 053 82
<info at corneliusbutz dot de>andClinton Callahan+49 1629108208<clinton at nextculture dot org>The Trainer Guild uses Torus Meeting technology:Relevant Distinctions
...set out here so we can have this conversation intelligently.
You have 5 BODIES: physical body, intellectual body, emotional body, energetic body, and archetypal body.
Each of your 5 Bodies can NOTICE.
You also have a BEING that inhabits each of your 5 Bodies like a body-glove.
It is your Being that Notices what you are Noticing as a PRESENT Noticing Being.
Weaving new DISTINCTIONS into your energetic body BUILDS MATRIX to hold more consciousness.
Below are some Distinctions that may help you make better use of this website and also better use of the opportunity of being a POSSIBILITATOR.
RESPONSIBILITY is applied consciousness.
In other words, RESPONSIBILITY is consciousness in action.
RADICAL RESPONSIBILITY starts by taking responsibility for the level of responsibility being taken (in any Space), which is ordinarily determined by a person's childhood-created personality - your so-called BOX. Radical Responsibility is conscious unconditional responsibility. It is not fair. It is, however, a tremendous source of High Level Fun!
Your BOX is your psychological defense strategy, your Survival Strategy, your ego, your identity, your comfort zone, your belief system, and your worldview. You assembled your BOX out of interpretations, assumptions, beliefs, decisions, conclusions, expectations, stories, judgements, and so on.
Your GREMLIN is the active Part of your Box dedicated to doing whatever it takes to defend your Box's status quo. "Whatever it takes..." means that your Gremlin will use irresponsible actions to keep things the same for you because then at least your Box functions and you can continue to survive how you have been surviving. Your Gremlin is neither good nor bad. Whatever part of your Gremlin you don't own, owns you.
Your MATRIX is the structure in your energetic body that holds consciousness. Matrix is built out of Distinctions - such as these being described here.
By making efforts to integrate this list of Distinctions into your Being through persistently new Practices, you are building a sizeable chunk of Matrix. This is not only cool, it may also be useful.
If you succeed in integrating any of these Distinctions into your Being, your old self-experience will reassemble itself, and during this POINT OF ORIGIN relocation LIQUID STATE, your energetic body will take on a new shape.
When your energetic body changes shape, the Universe is forced to interact with you differently. This is why, when you want to change the results, and you cannot change the circumstances, one of the ways you can change what is Possible is by changing yourself.
Each of the 5 bodies has its own characteristic kinds of Liquid States. None of them are comfortable. The thing about Liquid States is this: Without a Liquid State, there is no change.
AUTHENTIC ADULTHOOD INITIATIONS are facilitated Processes that cause the specific changes in your Being that allow you to become responsible for things which you never imagined responsibility could be taken, including: your Box, your Gremlin, your Feelings, your Emotions, your motivations for interpreting things in certain ways, your transformational Liquid States, and what is Possible.
HIGH DRAMA is any action of taking responsibility. High Drama is ARCHETYPAL LINEAGE food.
LOW DRAMA is any action of avoiding responsibility. Low Drama is GREMLIN food.
MIXED EMOTIONS are Low Drama (Gremlin food).
A GAMEWORLD is a social construct that establishes ways for human beings to interact. The interactions may serve a conscious Purpose and then the interaction creates High Drama, or the interaction may serve an unconscious Purpose and then the interaction creates Low Drama and feeds your Gremlin.
You promote the VALUES and level of consciousness of any Gameworld you play in.
You can consciously choose to play or not play in any Gameworld. Two people standing in front of each other can play in completely different Gameworlds.
If your participation in a Gameworld is unconscious then you have no power to choose the values you promote, and then you become a Zombie.
A ZOMBIE is anyone who is not conscious about the values they promote in the Gameworlds they participate in.
A BRIGHT PRINCIPLE is a force of nature that is a facet of Archetypal Love from the General Field of Consciousness out of which the Universe is made. You were born to serve a set of three to six Bright Principles which can be clearly distilled out of your life as your Destiny. By distilling and intentionally serving your Bright Principles in your daily life you can be your Destiny in action now. Consciously created Gameworlds also serve a set of Bright Principles which can be distilled.
POSSIBILITY is a Bright Principle. You can become the Space through which the Bright Principle of Possibility does its work in the world.
A COMMUNITY-OF-PRACTICE is the group of people who participate in a specific Gameworld because they have resonance with the Gameworld's Context and Bright Principles.
A GAIAN GAMEWORLD is a Gameworld that is contexted in the Radical Responsibility and Radical Relating of Archiarchy, centered on NONMATERIAL VALUES and the ongoing ADULTHOOD INITIATORY PROCESSES of the EVOLUTIONARY PATH.
A CONTEXT is the set of Distinctions that establish a Gameworld's values and its relationship to consciousness and responsibility.
A CODEX is the agreed upon 'Rules Of Engagement' through which participants of a Gameworld bring their Gameworld's Context to life.
An ARCHETYPAL LINEAGE is the intelligence and energy of the service that your 5-bodies are most capable of delivering to the village. Authentic Adulthood Initiations prepare you to jack-into and serve your Archetypal Lineage. Such Initiations and Preparations are the central concern of any next-culture village.
Next culture is 'Archiarchy', the culture that naturally emerges after Matriarchy and Patriarchy have run their course. Archiarchy is the culture in which archetypally initiated adult women creatively collaborate with archetypally initiated adult men.
A TRAINER delivers Authentic Adulthood Initiations as their POSSIBILITATOR SPECIALTY in action.
Your PEARL is your personally encoded triple-layered energetic map that you hid at the center of your Being which graphically reminds you of how you intend to serve your Bright Principles through your Archetypal Lineage this lifetime.
Opening your Pearl is one Authentic Adulthood Initiation. There are 813 more authentic adulthood initiations... that we know of so far... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RR0cE7RPYk)
There are four general classifications of Archetypal Lineage: EARTH GUARDIAN, INTIMACY NAVIGATOR, EVOLUTIONARY, AND GAMEWORLD BUILDER.
A VILLAGE needs all four Archetypal Lineages consciously collaborating. Trainers tend to be clear about which Archetypal Lineage they have more ability to deliver.
Through Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes, the nonlinear possibilities and street-wisdom of your Transformed Gremlin start serving you as a wild source of intelligence helping you to deliver the services of your Archetypal Lineage to your Village.
Archiarchy places Authentic Adulthood Initiatory processes at its center as it highest value and its natural currency.
POSSIBILITY MANAGEMENT is the High Drama global Gameworld where practitioners share what they learn about applying, delivering, and further deepening the Distinctions, Tools, Thoughtware, and Processes emerging out of the Context of Radical Responsibility.
The TRAINER GUILD is the community-of-practice of Potential-Unleashers in the Gameworld of Possibility Management collaborating with Torus Technology to train new circles of Possibility Management Trainers on the Trainer Path to deliver Authentic Adulthood Initiations into Archiarchy. All Possibility Management Trainers are on the Trainer Path.
The first aim of a LOCAL CIRCLE OF TRAINERS is to come together and create an Expand The Box training in their area.
Possibility Management is a Gameworld
Human interactions occur within Gameworlds that originate from a clearly agreed-upon Context.
A Gameworld's Context determines the Distinctions about how the Gameworld relates to consciousness and its values.
A Gameworld's Distinctions become effective through Thoughtware.
A Gameworld's Thoughtware establishes the Rules Of Engagement of the Gameworld, in other words, how the Gameworld works.
A Gameworld's Rules Of Engagement are documented in the gameworld's Codex.
A Gameworld's Codex remains visible at the outer energetic membrane of a Gameworld so that interested participants can easily learn how to participate.
The current draft of the Possibility Management Trainer Guild gameworld Codex is available HERE.
Since 1998, the Gameworld of Possibility Management has evolved in complexity so that, in addition to the Global Trainer Guild, there are many additional sub-Gameworlds emerging that each have their own Codex, for example: Possibilitator Training, Possibility Coaching, Feelings Practitioner, Bridge-House, and Trainer Path.
This is fantastic, because, in the ecology of gameworlds, diversity leads to stability.
Below are some of the diverse emerging components of the gameworld of Possibility Management.
For a more complete catalog of what Possibility Managers around the world are Collaboratively Inventing, we invite you to visit http://possibilitymanagers.org and the Museum of Possibility Management.
Here you can find the dates and locations for Expand The Box Trainings and Possibility Labs, and also register for these events.
Together Expand The Box plus various Possibility Labs provide the healing and authentic adulthood initiatory processes from Possibility Management.
Expand The Box is the prerequisite for any of the Possibility Labs.
Possibility Labs include Women's Lab, Men's Lab, Relationship Lab, Outdoor Lab, Adventure Lab, Possibility Village Lab, Vision Quest Lab, Intimacy Journeyer Lab, Resilience Lab, and so on.
We have discovered 51 Core Initiations that are crucial to authentic 21st Century adulthood initiation.
Possibilitator Training is Expand The Box trainings combined with 10 Possibility Labs over a period of 2-4 years. Deeply connecting with others on this Path builds a solid foundation from which you can deliver your Archetypal Lineage to the world.
Weekly Zoom calls in our Regional Teams of Possibilitators focus on themes according to our Archetypal Lineages:
...or according to our service:
- Possibility Coaches
- Possibility Mediators
- Possibility Psychologists
- Feelings Practitioners
- Memetic Engineers
- Trainer Path
- New Refugees
- Whole Permaculturists
- Etc. in a huge variety of emerging Archiarchal culture spaces!
Bridge-House is a next-culture life-skills training environment.
We are convinced that you have a piece of the puzzle of how to create and inhabit regenerative human cultures on Earth. One purpose of Bridge-House is to clarify, amplify, and launch your piece of the puzzle.
Another purpose of Bridge-House is to empower each other to be spaceholders for creating the next Bridge-Houses.
There is already a global team of abundantly-creative Possibilitators!
It has been claimed that the authentic healing and adulthood initiatory processes from Possibility Management ignite unquenchable inspiration...
This website offers evidence that this claim might be true!
Intimacy Journeyers Lab asks what else can happen after you say, “Hello”?
Presence and intimacy only happen NOW. Who would you need to be to create more presence and intimacy in this NOW?
Your 5 bodies are gateways to endlessly mysterious journeys. How does presence extend vertically into archetypal possibilities? How can two people journey there together? How does intimacy depend on being centered, radically responsible, and grounded in reality?
What is there to do with numbness, fears, and blocks? What if deep wounds or traumas are triggered? What if insecurities or grief arise? How can these be transformed into deeper connections?
In short, can building your Intimacy Journeyer skills create more resilient and dynamic interactions with a capacity for more presence together?
We say yes. We claim that preparations, practices, and skill-building processes are keys to entering whole new domains of relational ecstasy.
You are forced to survive in a school culture and cannot begin finding out who you are or what you really want until you get out of school.
Public school was invented 150 years ago to prepare workers to endure life as a production worker and soldiers to obey orders from 'superiors'. To send a child to school in the 21st Century is physical, emotional, intellectual, and psychological abuse.
Each day a child spends in school is one less day they have to prepare themselves for what is coming.
Through specific, strong, clear, transformational healing and adulthood initiatory processes, you can heal from school and enter Life.
Conscious Fear and Nothingness are your treasures as you step into the unknown and take responsibility for a ride to create valuable results. You fly in the abundance of groundlessness.
Edgeworkers, Riftwalkers, Change Agents, Healers, Coaches, Mediators, Psychologists, social entrepreneurs, transformational gameworld designers, those responsible for steering an Ecovillage, an NGO, a Restoration project, a Movement, or a Rebellion... you are the Sourceresses and Whyzards of our day. Your chances of success increase when your inner-permaculture talents are brought to life during Evolutionary Labs.
Evolutionary Labs are also for you if you DO NOT want to deliver Expand The Box trainings or Possibility Labs yet you still want to use advanced Possibility Management tools, techniques, thoughtware, maps, and processes to deliver the services of your Archetypal Lineage.
Gameworld Builders are one of the 4 Archetypal Lineages.
They are the designers and implementers of culture, commerce, discovery, and transformation.
Active Gameworld Builders have stellated their joy and follow the inspiration and ecstasy of their Archetypal Lineage to build out new gamespace in Archiarchy which others can then inhabit.
"Build it and they will come." If you don't build it, no one even has a chance to try it out.
Radically new research is creating common knowledge that successful healing requires treatment of all 5 Bodies, physical, mental, energetic, emotional, and archetypal.
The Feelings Practitioner program certifies healing practitioners in an abundance of Possibility Management tools and processes for treating imbalances in the emotional body.
Recently, the Feelings Practitioner Trainer Team has discovered distinctions, procedures, and processes that revolutionize human healing possibilities. This is immensely exciting news!
We work with companies and organizations who see the necessity of a paradigm shift and are willing to leave their comfort zones and go a completely new way. We train Edgeworkers and support you in implementing next culture leadership in your organization. In our trainings we combine activity-oriented techniques and instruments with personal-development and social-communication skills - essential components of a regenerative business model. You practice extraordinary soft skills for facing challenges as a human being in a Team creating new possibilities for everyone.
GAIA IS HIRING is a worldwide movement committed to a purposeful culture in harmony with Man and Planet Earth.
Together we find new ways, launch projects and connect like-minded people.
Together we change the world!
Are you in?
Playfight is a powerful tool of self knowledge and transformation.
We Playfight to know ourselves more, our strength, our inner power and how to use it consciously in relationship with others. This is a safe and conscious space to to express our own inner conscious warrior.We use a unique formula that combines wrestling and mindfulnessWrestling is to engage the body and the strength in a safe and respectful way.Mindfulness is to observe what happen on a deeper level, what emotions are triggered, what unconscious patterns become evident, and how I might want to play my life in a different way.TRAINER PATH LABS
Trainer Path Lab is a part of the Possibility Management Trainer Path.
It is for Possibilitators with the Specialty: Possibility Management Trainer.
Here you learn how to deliver Transformational and Healing Processes: archetypal stellating processes, whole group big processes, technopenuriaphobia (TPP) healing processes, authentic adulthood initiatory processes, elegant and formal processes, underworld processes, feedback and coaching on breaks, and, particularly, the processes that have never been done before.
NOTE: Trainer Path Labs are NO SUBSTITUTE for your 10 Possibility Labs! You should be clear that at least 5 Expand The Box trainings with different Trainers, plus a minimum of 10 Possibility Labs with different Trainers are part of your Trainer Path.
Even if you are crippled, or in prison, or addicted to alcohol or drugs, you have done what it took to survive.
Even if you are wounded from war, even if you are psychologically abused, or physically abused, or sexually abused, or emotionally abused, you survived.
Even if you think you are a loser, or a winner, or that nobody loves you, or that everybody loves you, or that you are not good enough, or that you are the best, you have survived.
Now it may be time for you to discover that there is a big difference between surviving, and living.
The difference is that while surviving, your survival strategy is in charge. While living, YOU are in charge.
That last sentence is a distinction.
A distinction is an assertion of differences that once you get it, it alchemically changes who you are.
The experience of getting a distinction is ecstatic reordering of your thoughtware.
You know you have gotten a distinction when you experience the difference between two things which just a moment before you related to as if they were only one thing.
That last sentence is a distinction about distinctions!
If you get it, your Being is more refined now, and you will start noticing the experiences that happen while getting new distinctions.
Each new distinction that transforms your energetic body earns you one Matrix Point.
It is that simple to play StartOver.xyz.
And, that is amazing.
StartOver.xyz is a free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrading matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game.
If you read this far, you just started playing... so you might want to visit How To Play.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Who Is In the Trainer Guild ?
a community of practice...
It is no small thing to Take A Stand to be a Possibility Management Trainer. There is so much to be aware of and for which to be skillfully responsible.
You will find a current list of Expand The Box trainers at the http://expandthebox.mystrikingly.com website, and a current list of Possibility Lab trainers at the http://possibilitylabs.mystrikingly.com website.
Our biggest claim to togetherness is that we are really good friends, the best kind of friends you could ever want.
At the same time, we are adventurous creators trying new things together for the benefit of others.
For example, Michael Pörtner, Michael Hallinger and Dagmar Thürnagel just returned from delivering the first ever Expand The Box trainings in Australia, and Anna Norambeuna with Julia Neumann from New Zealand and Maciek Antkowiak from Poland just took a stand to be spaceholders for developing local Trainer Circles in their respective countries. Lisa Kuchenmeister communicates problems and possibilities between the Trainer Torus and our website developers. Anne-Chloé Destremau was recently teaching carrot-breaking to the youth at Demokratische Stimme der Jugend during a MoveLab with Clinton Callahan, and Katharina Kaifler and Georg Pollitt just delivered an ETB and PLab in Oregon, USA, to New Culture people, while Matteo Tangi and his friend just invented a 'Retreat' called Being Together in Portugal, and right this minute Patrizia Patz and Michaela Kaiser and Michael Pörtner are downstairs delivering a Trainer Skills Lab to a dozen enthusiastic new Trainer-types (except for the guy in a Liquid State, barfing and shivering on the couch by the fireplace...) ...these are Trainer Path people in the Trainer Guild. To see what other Possibility Managers are up to please check out http://possibilitymanagers.org
What Do Possibility Trainers Do?
an archetypal lineage...
Centuries ago, in the 'bad old days', there were a number of professions that everyone knew about and called upon to handle problems that no other professionals were trained to handle. Longstanding feuds raged on between neighbors, cows had trouble giving birth, people could not express their deep love to each other, arguments and fights erupted in personal and business relationships, emotional and psychological breakdowns ripped people's lives to shreds, illnesses wouldn't heal, and youth desperately wanted to become adult in a culture that is vastly different from the one they were born and raised in. The evolution of consciousness was not well supported by the religions, nor was it understood in the educational system as a crucial element of a healthy human society, nor was it regarded well by government officials. All of this together meant that the transformational and nonlinear-healing professions were quite busy serving their villages without anyone else quite knowing what they were doing.
Then the Catholic Inquisitors came along and the witch burnings started. This was a nasty 800-year-long turn of events for the edgeworkers (before 1100 to about 1870).
What we have discovered in Possibility Management is that burning a witch does not end his or her career. It only postpones it a little.
Declaring that alchemy is blasphemy, or that upgrading from Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.) is 'the devil's work', or that having direct personal connections with Bright Principles or the Earth Coincidence Control Office (E.C.C.O.) is heretical, does not stop the alchemists, sorceresses, shamans, healers, researchers, wizards, and Possibilitators forever. It just delays the wealth of new understanding and Possibilities they discover from spreading around.
These days, in the modern capitalistic patriarchal empire... with smart phones... the situation is only a little better.
The part that is better is the lack of witch burnings.
This means that all of you who decided never to come back and challenge the status quo again for fear the 'Gremlin authorities' would catch you and burn you and your house and your children... again... you can come out from hiding now. It is safe to get back to work.
We need you.
It's time to keep serving the world at its heart center, researching the fringes, providing adventurous transformational services in areas most important to a truly human life. This is what Possibility Trainers do.
How can I create an Expand The Box training in my area?
a wildly interesting question...
...with a very clear answer.
Please find a complete support program for creating an Expand The Box training in your area at this dedicated website:
Please let us know what else we can do to support you.
- The Trainer Guild
PM INFINITY RING: Working behind the scenes...
juicing-up the PM gameworld to fly!
Possibility Management Infinity Ring
James P. Carse distinguishes two kinds of games:
FINITE GAMES which are played for the purpose of winning, at which time the finite game ends.
INFINITE GAMES which are played for the purpose of continuing the play.
Possibility Management is an INFINITE GAME.
The 'PM Infinity Ring' is the Team of active Possibility Management Trainers doing behind-the-scenes whatever meta-jobs enhance play in the global Possibility Management gameworld.
Due to our upbringing in Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware it is easy to assume that the PM Infinity Ring is the secret 'innermost power circle' of the Possibility Management gameworld, sitting at the top of an imagined hierarchy.
This, however, is false.
Possibility Management uses Torus Technology in which there is no hierarchy, not even a hidden hierarchy.
The 'Infinity Ring' is the Node of Possibility Trainer Pathers who handle behind-the-curtains whatever needs to be handled (unpaid) to make the Possibility Management gameworld fly.
This includes managing and updating the Possibility Management Codex, which is located at the Possibility Management Gameworld Website, and the Possibility Management Trainer Path Codex which is located at the Trainer Path Website.
Decisions are made by members of the Infinity Ring Nodes, consisting of the Trainer Pathers who see the need and have Authentic interest to be Radically Responsibility for making those Decisions.
Perhaps the Infinity Ring should be more accurately named the 'Sweepers' as in the Terry Pratchett book Thief Of Time. The doors are open for any active Trainer Pather to take Radical Responsibility in the Possibility Management Context to contribute to this gameworld-building decision-making Infinity Ring Node. If that is you, please contact us directly.
NOTE: (December 2022) The PM Gameworld Evolution Node and the PM Trainer Path Node are currently updating their respective Codexes. The updated Codexes are not ready to view yet.
The PM Infinity Ring provides and enhances the following eleven services:
1PM FINANCES NODE: Collects and Distributes Operation Finances
Establish and maintain banking facilities to receive annual Trainer fees (usually €100 per Trainer per year due before 31 January each year) which are then used to pay for server fees, URL fees, and maintenance of our global PM calendar website:
annual domain name registration fees (URLs), etc.
Julia Neumann, Clinton Callahan, Cornelius Butz, Anne-Chloé Destremau
2POSSIBILITATOR TRAINING NODE: Supports Emerging Possibilitator Training Regional And Specialty Centers Around The World
Creates and maintains the websites:
- possibilitatortraining.org
- createanexpandthebox.mystrikingly.com
- createapossibilitatortrainingregional.mystrikingly.com
Vera Luísa Franco, Anne-Chloé Destremau, Ana Norambuena, and Clinton Callahan
3TRANSLATION NODE: Organizes and Supports the Translation of Possibility Management Related Materials: S.P.A.R.K.s, Foreign Publication of Books, and Related Websites
PM related books are being translated into Polish, 'Brazilian' Portuguese, 'Portuguese' Portuguese, French, English, Italian, Hebrew, and Spanish.
S.P.A.R.K.s are being translated into 17 different languages now.
This Node creates and maintains the websites:
- sparks-english.mystrikingly.com/#languages
- sparks.nextculture.org/en
- sparktranslators.mystrikingly.com
- Thoughtware Press Org
Ewa Wichmann, Clinton Callahan, Anne-Chloé Destremau, Georg Pollitt4PM GLOBAL CALENDAR WEBSITE NODE:
Organizes Maintenance and Upgrades For the Global Possibility Management Calendar and Event Registration Website
There is also a general Possibility-Management-Contexted Online Events Calendar open for Possibility Managers around the world to use.
To only read the PM online offers, use: teamup.com/ksv2xq34sxiagcuei1
To post or modify your own PM online offers, use:
Anne-Chloé Destremau, Clinton Callahan, Vera Luísa Franco, and Andreas Utz
5GLOBAL CONNECTIONS NODE: Provides Inspiring Connection Platforms for Possibilitators and Possibility Trainers
- Possibility Management Facebook Page
- PM Training Participants Facebook Group
- http://possibilitymanagers.org
- http://possibilitycouchsurfing.org
- http://initiations.org
- http://possibilitycoaching.org
- http://possibilitymediation.org
- http://possibilitypsychology.org
- http://memeticengineering.org
- http://3phasehealing.org
- http://possibilityteam.org
- http://rageclub.org
- http://fearclub.org
- http://3cells.org
- etc.
Anne-Chloé Destremau, Clinton Callahan, and others on the General Memetics Team.
6GLOBAL MEDIA PLATFORMS NODE: Provides Inspiring Communications Platforms on Global Media Channels
- nextcultureradio.org
- starrs.mystrikingly.com
- jewelsofpossibility.mystrikingly.com
- YouTube: PossibilityManagementTV
Anne-Chloé Destremau, Clinton Callahan, and others on the General Memetics Team.
In addition, various Trainers and many Possibilitators upload their articles to:
- Medium
- Academia
- Substack
7PM NEWS NODE: Creates and Publishes the Monthly PM News and Manages the PM Database
Anne-Chloé Destremau, Clinton Callahan
Markus Bork is the Spaceholder for the new German PM News which can be subcribed to here:
8PM EDUCATION NODE: Provides Online Platforms for Sharing PM Distinctions, Tools, Thoughtmaps, and Processes
- http://jewelsofpossibility.mystrikingly.com
- http://nextculturepress.org
- http://thoughtwarepress.org
- http://intensitythegame.org
- http://distinctionary.xyz
- http://pmthoughtmaps.mystrikingly.com
- http://pmprocesses.mystrikingly.com
- http://3phasehealing.org
- http://howtoplay.mystrikingly.com
- http://startover.xyz
- http://spaceport.mystrikingly.com
- http://createpossibility.mystrikingly.com
- http://nextcultureradio.org
- http://starrs.mystrikingly.com
- YouTube: PossibilityManagementTV
Ewa Wichmann, Vera Luísa Franco, Patricio Diaz, Naomi Warndorff, Markus Bork, Martina-Riccarda Niklis, Gabriel Millinger, Anne-Chloé Destremau, Clinton Callahan, and others on the General Memetics Team.
In addition, many Trainers and Possibilitators upload their articles to:
- Medium
- Academia
- Substack
9TRAINER-PATH NODE: Organizes Apprenticeships, Training, and Qualification of Emerging ETB Trainers and PLab Trainers (this is the Possibilitator Specialty: 'Trainer Path' Node)
- http://trainerpath.org
- http://createanexpandthebox.mystrikingly.com
- http://trainerpathlab.mystrikingly.com
- http://practiceexpandthebox.mystrikingly.com
- http://possibilitylabtrainer.mystrikingly.com
Trainer Path is devastatingly generous with its Clarity about what is and what is not a Possibility Management ETB Trainer or PLab Trainer. There is no point in 'pulling punches' in this regard. Trying to be 'nice'... trying to create a mixed-context 'comfortable' middle-path for Trainer Pathers shoots the Trainer Path straight in the heart. Who then would Take A Stand for Archiarchy in the world? Where else is THIS Clarity and Possibility available? Where else is THIS transformational Path made Possible? Who else is holding open THIS Doorway? The requirements and definition of 'Possibility Management Trainer Path Specialty: Trainer-Trainer' are evolving, and, yes, more Trainer-Trainers are definitely needed in this Node. Our focus is a fierce commitment to:
1. GREMLIN TRANSFORMATION: Trainer-Trainers have provably Transformed their Gremlin - which is a consciously committed-to and consciously chosen multi-dimensional Process that involves a minimum of one-year with a paid Gremlin Transformer at your side: gremlintransformation.mystrikingly.com including dramaholic.mystrikingly.com, addicted.mystrikingly.com, gremlinviolence.mystrikingly.com, gremlinselfcannibalism.mystrikingly.com, and, handsomeholytribalman.mystrikingly.com, for starters.
2. DECONTAMINATIONS: Trainer-Trainers have provably Decontaminated their Adult Egostate from Child Egostate Contaminations, Parent Egostate State Contaminations, Gremlin Egostate Contaminations, and Demon Egostate Contaminations, all the while accompanied by a trained and paid Decontaminator - which may be a two-year multi-dimensional healing and transformation Process: http://decontaminations.mystrikingly.com
3. 10 DOORWAYS: Supporting a Possibilitator who is in the Trainer Path Specialty going through the 10 Doorways of Possibilitator Training: http://10doorways.mystrikingly.com
4. PREPARATION: Supporting Trainer Pathers making ALL the steps on the Practice ETB Preparations list: http://practiceexpandthebox.mystrikingly.com
5. PROFESSIONAL ARCHIARCHY TRAINER: Building Trainers with deep roots as a true professional Trainer/Initiator in Archiarchy, rather than just granting them another certificate for their wall.http://beingatrainer.mystrikingly.com
6. TRAINER-PATH NODE: Being a PM Trainer-Trainer also means being an active member of the PM Trainer Path, joining in the Trainer Path calls once a month.
7. SUPPORT POSSIBILITATOR TRAINING: The Trainer-Trainers also provide the service of speaking to a different Possibilitator Training Country Team each month or so: http://possibilitatortraining.org.
8. TRAINER-TRAINER TRAINING SCHOOL (TTTS): Being a Trainer-Trainer also means providing authentic magetraining.org for the Nonlinear Unreasonable Transformational 3 Phase Healing and Adulthood Initiation Space Navigation skills that PM Trainers actually need: tttschool.mystrikingly.com
9. TRAINER PATH LABS: Trainer-Trainers co-create and deliver Version 3.0 of Trainer Path Labs: trainerpathlab.mystrikingly.comCornelius Butz, Ana Norambuena, Anne-Chloé Destremau, and Clinton Callahan, and the Apprentice Vera Luísa Franco. Georg Pollitt manages the pmtrainers@nextculture.org email list.
NOTE: The Trainer-Path Node is currently upgrading and clarifying the Trainer Path Codex, extracting it from the Possibility Management Codex so that there are two Codexes. Neither Codex is ready yet. (December 2022)
The Trainer Path Codex will be online at:
10PM GAMEWORLD EVOLUTION NODE: The Ever-Evolving Possibility Management Gameworld Building Node Provides Online Platforms For Possibilitator Specialties, Considers Our Own Presence, Evolution, and Gameworld Design, And Upgrades The Ever-Evolving Possibility Management Codex
Remember: Evolutionary Gameworlds also evolve!
PM is an Evolutionary Gaian Gameworld.
- possibilitatortraining.org
- trainerguild.org
- possibilitymanagement.com
- expandthebox.org
- possibilitylabs.mystrikingly.com
- beingatrainer.mystrikingly.com
- wholepermaculture.org
- newrefugees.org
- edgeworker.org
- riftwalkers.org
- becomeaseed.mystrikingly.com
- possibilitycoaching.mystrikingly.com
- possibilitymediation.mystrikingly.com
- possibilitypsychology.mystrikingly.com
- possibilitycoachingtraining.mystrikingly.com
- possibilitymediationtraining.mystrikingly.com
- bridge-house.org
- askusanything.mystrikingly.com
Clinton Callahan, Anne-Chloé Destremau, Ana Norambuena, Cornelius ButzThe current version of the Possibility Management Codex is online at:
NOTE: The PM Codex is currently being updated (December 202).
The PM Infinity Ring Village Weaver interviews each of the 10 Infinity Ring Nodes once each month and sends an update email to pmtrainer@nextculture.org so that the PM Trainer Path is well woven.
This node is uninhabited as of December 2022.
ETB and PLab Trainer-Path Node
The Node for training and qualifying Expand The Box and Possibility Lab Trainers and Trainer-Trainers.
Ana Norambuena
hello at ananorambuena dot org
Anne-Chloé Destremau
annechloe dot destremau at gmail dot com
Clinton Callahan
clinton at nextculture dot org
Cornelius Butz
info at corneliusbutz dot de
Bringing PM To You
A Strategy For Building A Local Trainer Path Team In Your Area
An Educator's class changes what you know.
A Trainer's training changes who you are.
- Here are 2 information-rich websites regarding bringing Possibility Management to your area:
- Bring your team of at least 3 people together to implement these actions and strategies.
- We could plan 8 trips there over the next 2 or 3 years with a variety of trainer pairs, each trip for two or three weeks. On each trip we could deliver a combination of the following events and build an email list of interested people:
- Public work-talks with lots of question-and-answer and practical demonstrations and exercises in book shops, yoga centers, etc.
- Workshops for 1 or 2 days
- Possibility Teams
- Single Coachings
- Events such as conferences, festivals, fairs, etc.
- Radio and TV interviews
- On the first trip we could deliver 2 or 3 Expand The Box trainings in various cities for a minimum of 25 paid participants.
- On the second trip we could deliver another 2 or 3 Expand The Box trainings, and by then we might have enough people to deliver our first Possibility Lab.
- Pretty soon we could deliver a couple ETBs plus PLab plus Trainer Lab, the group of Trainers and the participant circle would rapidly grow and stabilize.
Our purpose is to open the doors for local ETB participants to formally enter Possibilitator Training, to form a local Possibilitator Training Circle, to see if anyone in the local circle has the Possibilitator Specialty of PM Trainer Path, and to replace ourselves with Possibility Trainer Pathers from the local area to deliver Expand The Box Trainings and eventually Possibility Labs in the local language.
How It Works
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Pick your favorites from our high-quality collections, and add to your cart.
2Pay Online
Enter your address and pay with credit, debit, or PayPal. We ship anywhere.3Deliver
We'll deliver your goods within 5 business days. Ask us any questions!Possibilitator Training starts here.
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play, massively-multiplayer, online-and-offline, thoughtware-upgrade, matrix-building, personal-transformation, adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code TRNGUILD.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!
Trainer Guild Mission
Upgrading human thoughtware.
Trainer Guild Vision
Something completely different from this is possible right now.